2024 CPAL Conference
Day 2 - The Archives
Surveys and assesses current institutional art archive systems while investigating how contemporary artists can best access available resources and how materials are treated over time. Explores the rapidly increasing pace of archive expansions with best management practices.
Doors open 8:45am
All panels include a 15-minute Q & A at the end.
9:00am – 9:10am Welcome & Introduction – Susan Reynolds, Executive Director, The Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation
9:15am – 9:30am CPAL Conference summary CPAL progress - Joy Glidden, Founding Director, Center for the Preservation of Artists’ Legacies
9:35am – 11:05am Institutional and Private Archives
Moderator: Dan Cameron, Independent Curator
Brittany Webb, Ph.D., Evelyn and Will Kaplan Curator of Twentieth Century Art and the John Rhoden Collection, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
Charlotta Kotik, Curator, formerly curator of Contemporary Art, Brooklyn Museum
Kyle Croft, Executive Director, Visual AIDS
Kenta Murakami, Director, Ortuzar Projects
11:15am – 12:45pm Inclusionary Practices - Accessibility & Considerations for Best Practices
Moderator: Ferris Olin, Ph.D., Founder of Institute for Women and Art, Margery Somers Foster Center: A Resource Center and Digital Archive on Women, Scholarship and Leadership at Rutgers University.
Nicholas Martin, Curator for the Arts & Humanities at NYU Special Collections
Sur Rodney Sur, Writer, curator, archivist co-executor of the Geoffrey Hendricks Estate
Heather Gendron, Director, Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, Yale University
12:50pm – 1:45pm Lunch
1:50pm – 3:20pm Artist-Constructed Archives – Case Studies
Moderator: Monika Fabijanska, Independent Art Historian, Curator, and Appraiser
Martha Wilson, Artist and Founding Director Emerita of Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
Rena Segal, President of the George and Helen Segal Foundation (Artist, daughter of George Segal)
Essye Klempner, Director of Programs & Partnerships EFA Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop
3:25pm - 3:40pm Testimonial - Joyce Pomeroy Schwartz, Public Art Consultant, Curator, and Author of The Private Eye in Public Art
3:45pm - 4:00pm Closing Remarks – Joy Glidden, Founding Director, CPAL